call: Wake UP!
Call for entries
Deadline: 1 September 2017
Wake Up!
a show for Peace – a show for Humanity
artists show face against Populism,
Intolerance, Xenophobia and Racism
exhibition project online/offline
is looking for artists who show face!!
We live currently in a world which is marked by populist, nationalistic, fundamentalist political developments and an increasing intolerance and inhumanity against different minded, people coming from different cultures, practicing different religions, following different ideologies, refugees, persecuted and expelled who need the solidarity of those who are able to show solidarity – think of the refugee desaster in the Mediterranean, IS terror in Middle East, Africa , Asia or Ukraine – think of the political nationalist right wing movements in France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany or elsewhere – threatening our democracy and its values, but also the diversity of our natural habitat in an era of dramatically vanishing species and the misuse of the Creation by the humans on Earth.
A society is as good as how it treats its minorities, the poor and weak and all those needing our protection.
It is frightening, how fast the political populist movemnts spread successful around the globe. Was some years ago still said, that Belarus would be the last country in Europe ruled by a dictator, in 2016 a new type of barbarism becomes visble – and autocratic rulers in Russia, Turkey, the Middle East, countries like France, Poland, Humgary, Slovakia are about taken over by neo-fascists and the worst of all – the democratic USA elected an anti-democratic president DT, no one is better demonstrating than this person and his followers the new barbarism directed against mankind.
Especially the artistic freedom, the freedom of the written and spoken word and movement are highly endangered.
Artists are invited to take a clear position and show face against these dangers in favour of a society practicing humanity and solidarity by submitting a selfportrait which may be executed in different artistic media, and participate in the new exhibition to be planned for 2016/2017 to be presented in different venues and countries
://self~imaging – a show for Peace – a show for Humanity
artists show face against Populism, Intolerance, Xenophobia and Racism
1. Artists are invited to submit a “selfportrait” in following (audio) visual media–>
static image – photography & digital print (preview: size width 1024 px, resolution 96 px – exhibition: size A4, 300 DPI, PNG or TIFF – if selected the image will be printed for exhibition purposes by the organiser)
moving images – video (, duration: min. 1 minute, max. 10 minutes, preview: size min. 720×576 (480) px, preferred HD, mp4 or mov (H264 codec), PAL & NTSC – exhibition: HD or SD, mp4, mov (H264), mpg2 (DVD), avi (H264)
interactive image – netart (resolution 1920&1080, preview online – exhibition: a selected project including all files will be hosted by artvideoKOELN international)
non-visual – soundart (mp3, max 10 minutes duration)
2. Each artist is permitted to submit up to 3 works, also in different media, however only one work per artist will be selected.
3.additionally or sepeately also a personal textual statement may be submitted as plain email text (max. 1000 words, English or German)
regarding the topics: Intolerance, Racism, Xenophobia and Anti-Semitism and the artist’s vision of a human society (English or German)
to be published online and exhibited as a part of the show.
4. Any attachement, respectively digital files has to be submitted via WETRANSFER –,
videos maybe alternatively posted on VIMEO for download
5. The entry form has to be submitted as plain email text including the download link, but without any attachement
6. Deadline: 1 March 2017
7. Participating is free of charge,
Entry form
full name
home address
short biography/CV (not more than 300 words in English)
title (one work only)
medium (photography & digital print, video, netart, soundart, textual statement)
duration (video)
URL for download
work description (no more than 300 words in English)
The submitter declares and confirms
that he/she is holding all author’s rights
and gives permission to include the submitted work in the exhibition
in virtual and physical space and use screenshots for non-commercial purposes free of charge.
Signed by (submitter)
Please cut and paste this form and send the complete submission,
including artist bio and statement as plain email text.
subject: Wake Up!
artvideoKOELN international
directed by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
artvideokoeln (at)