call: We Are One World
extended deadline: 19 December 2017
Call for entries
The W:OW project – We Are One World
is a media art project in an exchange between virtual and physical space (online/offline) dealing with the most essential question of human existence, eg. the survival of the human species and planet EARTH as a living habitat for all species and biological systems. The project is open for digital artistic media (visual – moving, interactive, static images and non-visual – soundart) and -will be released in different presentation formats – The online/offline W:OW Project core – the W:OW Art Film & Vidfeo Festival and the virtual and a physical W:OW exhibition in all its constellations (confronting & integrating analogue & digital media). Participating is free of charge.
Human made – that’s the basic keyword for all threats, just to name some: The exploitation of the natural resources to the benefit of just a few globally acting corporations destroying the natural environment sustainably– the global warming and the climate change as a result of this misuse taking a dramatic impact on the environment and the nature as the living habitat enforcing people to migrate migrating due to the destruction of the living habitat, discrimination, persecution, expulsion and extermination, threatening animals, plants and the biological systems with extinct, making the resources of fresh water shrink on all continents which has the huge potential for military conflicts in future , the military conflicts of the Present to the benefit of some regional powers like in Middle East, Africa or Ukraine, and the overwhelming globalization as a result of the rapid development of new technologies, making people anxious they might loose their identity and privileges, and populist political movements try to manipulate and misuse the emotional uncertainty of these people to destroy all the real civilizational achievements made during the past decades and centuries, by reviving most destructive ancient nationalistic, extremist, fascist and even terrorist ideologies which have the potential to catapult the human civilization back on an pre-industrial stone-age like state, while the true problems of global and local nature leave, however, unrestrained escalating.
More conceptual details
By using the two fundamental key statements ” We Are One World” and “The Global Meets the Local”, the dynamically structured W:OW Project has to be considered as a kind of sample cosmos, a progressive and experimental common world on a small scale in which the participating instances (artists, curators, etc) are taking a particular responsibility for the “Whole†as well as for each other. In this way The W:OW Project is representing for them the platform for approaching the Utopia by developing concepts, asking questions and giving answers through the creative works to be incorporated.
„The W:OW Project“ is inviting artists from all over the world working in different media disciplines to reflect Present and Future of our planet as the place where life as such, the amazing diversity of a magnificent nature and the human species had the chance to arise, where this human species made such incredible achievements during the civilisatory development until these days based on humanity, empathy and creativity, expressed, for instance, in art, the sciences and a free and open society – We Are One World.
1. Participating is free of charge.
2. Extended deadline: 19 December 2017
3. Each artist may submit up to 3 works, also in different media.
4. additionally or sepeately also a personal textual statement may be submitted as plain email text (max. 1000 words, English or German)
regarding the topic: We Are One World (English or German) to be published online and exhibited as a part of the show.
5. For submitting, please cut and past the entry form below and send the form including the download links as plain email text and attache the requested screenshots (min 3, video
size 1920×1080) – or object views (min.3, object 1920×1080). Please rename the images, by using – your name / title of work / 1,2,3…
7. Any additional attachement (digital files) have to be zipped, renamed – by using your name / title of submission – and made available for download via WETRANSFER –,
videos maybe alternatively also posted on VIMEO for download.
8. Art works may be submitted in following media–>
moving image – video , animated contents welcome!(, duration: min. 1 minute, max. 10 minutes, preview: size min. 720×576 (480) px, preferred HD, mp4 or mov (H264 codec), PAL & NTSC – exhibition: HD or SD, mp4, mov (H264), mpg2 (DVD), avi (H264) – we are looking for videos using the audio-visual medium in an innovative way, transporting the W:OW topic in an challenging way – from the experiment to new forms of documentary.
static image – photography & digital print (preview: size width 1024 px, resolution 96 px – exhibition: size A3, 300 DPI, PNG or TIFF – if selected the image will be printed for exhibition purposes by the organiser)
interactive image – netart – online/offline multimedia – Virtual Reality – game art (resolution up to 1920&1080, preview online – exhibition: a selected project including all files will be hosted by artvideoKOELN international)
non-visual – soundart (mp3, max 10 minutes duration)
physical objects
the submission of physical objects – installation (video, electronic, mixed media) – is possible under certain conditions. If a physical exhibition of “The W:OW Project” is scheduled in a country, artists living in the respective country may also submit physical works. So, submitting is only possible on request and the work to be installed needs to be fully documented – see also 6) above.
Entry form,
please use for each submission a separate form
full name
home address
short biography/CV (not more than 300 words in English)
medium (photography & digital print, video, netart, game art, soundart, textual statement, physical object)
duration (video)
dimension (object)
URL for download
work description (no more than 300 words in English)
The submitter declares and confirms
that he/she is holding all author’s rights
and gives permission to include the submitted work in the exhibition
in virtual and physical space and use images (screenshots, object views etc) for non-commercial purposes free of charge.
Signed by (submitter)
Please cut and paste this form and send the complete submission,
including artist CV and statement as plain email text
and attachement, eg. the requested screenshots/object views
subject: We Are One World