call: International Meeting on Videodance and Videoperformance
Deadline: 12 May 2018
Call for entries
International Meeting on Videodance and Videoperformance, Valencia
The EIVV (Encontre Internacional de Videodansa i Videoperformance) is held annually in the city of Valencia (Spain), and includes a festival with artist presentations, panel discussions, debates with the audience and academic papers. The Meeting is open to works of videodance/screendance, video-performance and video-art that uses corporal expression or choreographic techniques.
For the 5th Meeting (2018), the theme is EVOLUTION: the general and historical evolution of screendance, and the personal evolution of artists.
We want to know how you have evolved and in this call for works, we ask you to submit at least 2 works that show your creative evolution:
– one recent work (only one), representative of your current production.
– one earlier works, that shows your initial creative intentions.
The submission will not be complete until you upload one work in each category (early work, recent work) via FilmFreeway We will ask you also to provide a brief description on the evolution between the two works that you present (please repeat this information in both submissions)
There is no fee, and there is no limit for the year of production either for the early or the recent works: choose works that you feel are representative of your evolution, regardless of their dates.
The attendance in person of the artists to present their own work and their evolution is not mandatory, but is very welcome, as it is the best way to really meet the artists and the audience.
There is also a call for papers, if you wish to submit a paper instead of a film, at the website
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