Call for entries
Deadline: 15 September 2013

X Salón de Arte Digital
PDVSA La Estancia, MARACAIBO, 2013

:: The next X edition of this event will be celebrated in October, at PDVSA La Estancia, Maracaibo, Venezuela. The deadline is September the 15th.

:: All artists living in Venezuela, will be allowed to participate.

:: All artists from abroad, will be allowed to participate as special guests.

:: All artists individually, or as a part of a fellowship, will be allowed to participate in the following categories, achieving the possibility to obtain any of the acknowledgments or rewards, like the award Premio de Arte Digital. Each artist can present a maximun of three (3) works by cathegory, in a maximun of two (2) categories

:: Categories:
:: Printing (Digital Image): Mechanically reproduced, infinite or limited editions. All works of still images treated like drawings, paintings, and even photos in any technique, must be presented to be printed in a letter size 8 ½” for 11” or 21.59 cm for 27.94 cm. It is possible to present an image in a maximun of three sections. The images shoud be sent in a digital file in 150 dpi of resolution. Send to

:: Videoart: Animation 2D, 3D, Flash, Stop Motion.
Presented by link or DVD, QT, SVCD format, DVD, MPG or AVI compressed or not, but with high image cuality and high fidelity ( HD or 720×480 pixels, including reproduction code if required resolution and image size ). Save only one (1) video in each file.

Multimedia: Web Pages, videogames, Presented in DVD or link.

Music: Presented in CD

Special Projets

:: Inscription fee by Category and Artist: Free for the present edition. You can make your inscription and send your art works in .jpg files to the email :

:: Salón de Arte Digital is not a comercial activity, so participating in the Salón de Arte Digital means the assignment of any author right related to reproduction, or exhibition, of any work or project reproduced in this web page, or in any activity of this event like expos, videos, catalogs, brochures, or any promotional material in relation with Salón de Arte Digital.

:: The maximum number of works, by artist, is six. Three works by category.

:: Artists are legally responsable for any legal advise, related to the authory or originality of his works.

:: E.mail:

:: address:
CARPE DIEM Urb. Sta María C/ 68, # 27-74, Maracaibo, 4005, Venezuela
:: Teléfono: ++ 58 (261) 759 11 08

>> Information to be delivered with each work:
:: Author data:

. Complete Name (Name, Surname and Nick, if you use it)
. Country, State, City (Current address) 
. Enterprise or Institution (Where you study or work. Curriculum vitae)
. Professional level (Define your actual status)
. E.mail or contact (Adress – Telephone number)
. More Information (Influences, styles, whatever information you may include)

:: Technical data (One by work):

. Title (Project´s name)
. Sub-category (Illustration, Photo, Webpage, Videogame, Stop Motion, Animation, etc.) 
. Time last ( VIDEO)
. Date (Month and year)
. Programs, format, and techcnics used (The most specific as posible)
. Artist´s comment (Optional)


nettycalls: generaldigitalexhibitionfilm/videointeractivemedia artmulti mediaCall for entries Deadline: 15 September 2013 X Salón de Arte Digital PDVSA La Estancia, MARACAIBO, 2013 :: The next X edition of this event will be celebrated in October, at PDVSA La Estancia, Maracaibo, Venezuela. The deadline is September the 15th. :: All artists living in Venezuela, will be allowed to participate. :: All...@ The New Museum of Networked Art