call: Flat Journal 2020
Deadline: 1 August 2020
Call for entries
Flat Journal 2020 Open Call For Submissions
FLAT journal is currently accepting submissions for our second issue HALT through August 1, 2020 that specifically, broadly, or abstractly address the theme of “HALT”
FLAT journal looks for works relating to the intersection of visual and conceptual art, technology, and / or media.
The following types of original, new or previously published works are welcome:
– Theory / criticism / scholarly research in writing or writing with images
– Interviews
– Reviews of art works, software, films, television, or other media
– Fiction, poetry, sound
– Photo essays, photography, digital images
– Illustrations, animations, videos
– Instruction based works, software, interactive media
Submit your work here:
Read the full CFP here:
Final Submissions Due AUGUST 1ST should include:
– Abst ract (100 – 500 words)
– Full plain text document (.rtf, .doc, .html, or google doc are preferred)
– Artist’s or Author’s short bio
– Links to author’s site or other published relevant works
– Any useful supporting images / media
– Images should be jpg, 1200px on one side (if your work is chosen, we will request high resolution images at 3000px)
– For videos or interactive media, please provide a link
Your work will be reviewed by our 2020 editorial board for consideration. If your work is chosen for this issue, your content will be shared on our web-based platform (see our first issue), at the designers’ discretion. If you have specific requirements to make your work viewable in the ideal fashion, please let us know, we can work with you collaboratively, especially for interactive or complex media types.
Please note: at this time, publication in this year’s issue is unfortunately not a paid opportunity. Additionally, t he 2020 editorial board for FLAT has yet to be announced. All rights to submitted and published works remain the sole property of the author / artist / contributor
FLAT is a platform for theoretical and critical texts, interviews, reviews, artworks, projects, and experiments that engage with contemporary conversations surrounding emerging media in the arts. FLAT is open to submissions of writing, images, video, interactive works, and almost any possible form of web-based content from writers, artists, and thinkers around the world. Please see open calls for specific information about what themes and media we are accepting at this time. Contributors to FLAT include theorists, technologists, and artists. At this time, FLAT publishes content online in both a themed issue and on a rolling basis and prints one physical publication a year.
See FLAT journal’s first issue here: