extended Deadline: 31 March 2024
Call for entries

The Anthropocene Project

While Anthropocene (actually only proposed as a new epoch of geologic time, following the Holocene) is an officially not yet definitely defined period of time during which human activities are thought to have had a significant impact on the global environment, regarded as having begun sometime between twelve thousand years ago, with the spread of agriculture, and two hundred years ago, with the advent of industrialization, as a topic of the media art context of The Anthropocene Project, the term is going far beyond marking the contradictory relationship between (the volatile transitory character of) human nature and (sustainable) nature, the significant human impact on ecosystems, including the human-caused climate change, biodiversity loss etc.

Curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, The New Museum of Networked Art realizing the Anthropocene Project as a new media art context in an exchange between virtual and physical space, physical and virtual exhibitions and screenings, is inviting artists using moving images/digital video as medium of art to submit videos dealing with the (positive and negative) human impact.

Please use the following entry form for submitting videos only which have not been submitted before and use for each submitted video a separate entry form.


– extended deadline: 31 March 2024
– no age limit
– no entry fee
– submissions by film/video from all countries on the globe to be submitted exclusively online
– max 3 works can be submitted for each category film/video
– wanted: single channel videos in mp4 – duration between 1 minute and 10 minutes (exceptions possible on request)
– creations using language and/or text other than English need English subtitles
– The full-length films/videos may be produced between 2015-2024. The submission of extracts is not accepted!!
– The video preview copy – mp4 HD – have to be made available for download via WETRANSFER or from VIMEO or Youtube (link)
– only selected artists will be notified after the deadline and invited to send the HD screening copy of the selected video in best screening quality.
– The New Museum of Networked Art is looking for innovative and experimental approaches in dealing with contents and technology

Entry Form - please cut and paste<br /> Please use for each piece to be submitted a new entry form


a) full name
b) full address
c) email, URL
d) short bio (max. 100 words, English only)

please select
2. film/video

a) title English – original (max 3 works)
b) URL home page, (Internet address for download)
c) year of production
d) duration
e) work synopsis (max. 100 words/submission, English only)
f) 2 screenshots for each submitted work (jpg, HD 1920×1080 px)

Please add this declaration & sign it with your full name & email address
I, the submitter/author, declare to be the holder of all rights on the submitted work.
In case the work is selected, I give – The New Museum of Networked Art the permission to include the work in the project context online and in physical space for screenings /exhibitions and the use of screenshots for non-commercial promotional purposes free of charge.

Please use for each submission a separate entry form

Please use this email address for submitting
artvideokoeln (at) gmail.com
and following subject line “The Anthropocene Project”

The New Museum of Networked Art
Alphabet Art Centre

https://netex.nmartproject.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/amzjtopo13-1024x504a.pnghttps://netex.nmartproject.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/amzjtopo13-1024x504a-150x150.pngnettycalls: film/videoexhibitionfee - nofilm/videoextended Deadline: 31 March 2024 Call for entries The Anthropocene Project While Anthropocene (actually only proposed as a new epoch of geologic time, following the Holocene) is an officially not yet definitely defined period of time during which human activities are thought to have had a significant impact on the...@ The New Museum of Networked Art