extended Deadline: 7 October 2024
Call for entries

animateC’24 – Cologne Art & Animation Festival (aC24)
@ Alphabet Art Centre Cologne January /February 2025

Founded in 2012 by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne in the framework of CologneOFF – the international festival network – operating since 2005 from Cologne/Germany – animateC – Cologne Art & Animation Festival – would like give the animation more attention as a particular artistic expression, thus the focus is directed to non-commercial, experimental artistic representation and concepts in order to bring animation forward to both – art & moving images and contemporary art.

aC24 – would like to demonstrate the diversity of the artistic animation as a global language connecting people from all continents, cultural and social backgrounds.

aC24 is invited to present the selection at TAM – Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles/CA // 18 January-1 March 2025 as a part of The Foundation Screening Series by The New Museum of Networked Art – in this way the deadline had been extended to 07 October 2024

aC24 – is looking for
– animated art contents in digital video in all its variety within the wide range of different topic
– new and experimental approaches in transforming artistic concepts via animation into the language of the “moving images”

aC24 – is inviting film & video creators – to submit up to 3 works of experimental forms of film and video art – (exclusively) online by using the entry form below.


– extended deadline:07 October 2024
– no age limit
– no entry fee
– submissions by film/video from all countries on the globe to be submitted exclusively online
– max 3 works can be submitted for each category film/video
– wanted: single channel videos in mp4 – duration between 1 minute and 15 minutes (exceptions possible on request)
– creations using language and/or text other than English need English subtitles
– The full-length films/videos may be produced between 2020-2024. The submission of extracts is not accepted!!
– The video preview copy – mp4 HD – have to be made available for download via WETRANSFER or from VIMEO or Youtube (link)
– only selected artists will be notified after the deadline and invited to send the HD screening copy of the selected video in best screening quality.
– The New Museum of Networked Art is looking for innovative and experimental approaches in dealing with contents and technology

Entry Form - please cut and paste<br /> Please use for each piece to be submitted a new entry form


a) full name
b) full address
c) email, URL
d) short bio (max. 100 words, English only)

2. video

a) title English – original (max 3 works)
b) URL home page, (Internet address for download)
c) year of production
d) duration
e) work synopsis (max. 100 words/submission, English only)
f) 2 screenshots for each submitted work (jpg, HD 1920×1080 px)

Please add this declaration & sign it with your full name & email address
I, the submitter/author, declare to be the holder of all rights on the submitted work.
In case the work is selected, I give – The New Museum of Networked Art the permission to include the work in the project context online and in physical space for screenings /exhibitions and the use of screenshots for non-commercial promotional purposes free of charge.

Please use for each submission a separate entry form

Please use this email address for submitting
artvideokoeln (at) gmail.com
and following subject line “animateC’24”

The New Museum of Networked Art
Alphabet Art Centre

https://netex.nmartproject.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/animatec4-82-1024x1024.pnghttps://netex.nmartproject.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/animatec4-82-150x150.pngnettyanimationcalls: film/videocontemporary artfee - nofestivalfilm/videoextended Deadline: 7 October 2024 Call for entries animateC'24 – Cologne Art & Animation Festival (aC24) @ Alphabet Art Centre Cologne January /February 2025 Founded in 2012 by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne in the framework of CologneOFF – the international festival network – operating since 2005 from Cologne/Germany - animateC – Cologne...@ The New Museum of Networked Art