call: Shoah Film Collection
Call for entries
deadline: 2 June 2014
SFC – Shoah Film Collection
is looking for films and videos for its worldwide manifestations
SFC – Shoah Film Collection
is a wordwide unique initiative by Agricola de Cologne, director of Cologne Art & Moving Images Awards addressed to the young generations of artists and film makers to use new technologies and contemporary approaches in art in order to senstize the visitors/audience to keep vivid the memory of SHOAH.
Launched on occasion of 65th return of the Liberation of the Concentration Camp of Auschwitz on 27 January 2010 SFC – Shoah Film Collection has meanwhile collected 37 outstanding pieces of videoart. Each year, on 27 January, SFC – Shoah Film Collection is releasing a new call for submissions , and now it is so far to invite again artists from the field of “moving images” to submit experimental art films and videoart reflecting the topic of “SHOAH” and related fields.
In 2012, SFC – Shoah Film Collection became the starting point and basis of CTF – Collective Trauma Film Collections –
Also in 2012, a special event structure has been created, i.e. A Virtual Memorial – Commemorative Interventions” – for placing SFC – Shoah Film Collection in the context of complementary interventions like lectures, a symposion, exhibitions, discussion, artists talks and much more, in order to activate the artists and film makers, as well as the audience. In 2012 und 2013 the first events took place in Riga, Phnom Penh, Warsaw, and Vilnius, to be continued in 2014 & 2015 in Milan, Timisoara and other places –
In this initiative, the topic of “SHOAH” can be understood as a metaphore for the dark side of human existence causing the most extreme violations of human rights and human dignity, as they are manifesting themselves in the process of the historical HOLOCAUST during the Nazi era in the 20th century, but also in the genocides and crimes against humanity as they are happening nowadays before our very eyes or in our neighbor’s garden.
Understanding as a witness what is happening these days, offers the possibility to understand the inimaginable which the historical HOLOCAUST is representing.
Reflecting the massacre of Srerbrenica, the genocide in Rwanda, Cambodia or Guatemala, the repressions in Tibet or the xenophobic behaviour of your neighbor or probably your own intolerance, is helping to understand the PAST, the PRESENT and FUTURE:
SHOAH must not happen again ever anywhere!
The film and video artists who want to submit are encouraged to inform themselves intensively about the subject matter before they submit a film/video in order to find their individual approach which may be historical, as well as most contemporary in different concern. The human dimension makes SHOAH a topic and matter which has the potential to affect all people anywhere on the globe since the values of humanity are vivid and valid as long as human invidividuals are living, no matter from what kind of cultural, ethnic, religious or social background they may come from.
The film/video selected will be included in SFC -Shoah Film Collection and the long-term plannings of its events.
<----------------------------------------------------------- Entry Regulations ------------------------------------------------------------>
– Deadline: 02 June 2014
– Wanted: single channel videos by film and videomakers from all countries on the globe
– SFC is looking for innovative and experimental approaches in dealing with contents and technology
– The full-length films/videos may originate from the years 2000-2014. Excerpts of videos or films are not accepted!!
– Duration: 60 seconds up to max 15 minutes (exceptions possible on request)
– Max 3 films/videos can be submitted.
– Creations using language and/or text other than English need English subtitles.
– The preview copy should be uploaded for download by using the free upload platforms like SENDSPACE (up to 300 MB) or WE TRANSFER (up to 2GB), after upload please send the link, and CologneOFF will download the film then.
– for review only following video formats are eligible – minimum size–> 720×576 (PAL) or 720×480 (NTSC)or HD:
.mpeg2 (DVD), . mov (Quicktime, H264 codec only), .mp4, .wmv (Windows Media), .flv (Flash video)
– only selected artists will be notified and invited to send a hardcopy of the selected video in best screening quality.
– the selections will be made on an ongoing basis until the final deadline.
Entry Form – please cut and paste
Please use for each video a new entry form
a) full name
b) full address
c) email, URL
d) short bio (max. 100 words, English only)
a) title English – original (max 3 works)
b) URL home page, (Internet address for download)
c) year of production
d) duration
e) work synopsis (max. 100 words/submission, English only)
f) 2 screenshots for each submitted work (jpg, 800×600 px)
Please add this declaration & sign it with your full name & email address
I, the submitter/author, declare to be the holder of all rights on the submitted work.
In case the work is selected, I give – until revoke – SFC – Shoah Film Collection the permission to include the work in the project context online and in physical space for screenings /exhibitions free of charge and use screenshots for non-commercial promotional purposes free of charge, as well. Until revoke means, that the author can remove his work at any time.
Please use for each submission a separate entry form
deadline: 02 June 2014
Please send the submission in both –
plain email text and RTF (Rich Text Format) or WORD . doc as attachment to
artvideo (at)
subject: SFC – Shoah Film Collection
A Virtual Memorial Foundation
SFC – Shoah Film Collection
Cologne International Videoart Festival
All mentioned instances are corporate part of
Cologne Art & Moving Images Awards
directed and curated by
Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
artvideo (at)