call: Visions in the Nunnery 2022
Deadline: Sunday 26 June 2022, midnight
Titel of call
WHERE | The Nunnery Gallery, London
WHEN | 7 October – 18 December 2022
WHO | Moving image, digital and performance artists
WHAT | We are looking for moving image, audio, film sculpture and performance works, preferably recent. There is no theme, but the tone of the programmes is set by this year’s lead artists, Patrick Goddard and Emily Speed. Selection will be based on innovative uses of your chosen medium. No more than three entries per artist.
Moving Image | We are looking for single screen works of up to 10 minutes in duration. We do have limited space for small film installation / monitor based work, or longer single-screen pieces. If you are submitting an installation, please provide additional information describing the work, including presentation equipment, dimensions, space requirements etc. Please be aware that we cannot always provide specific equipment for installation-based works. We also accept silent film works and audio-only work.
Performance | We are looking for live works up to 15 minutes in duration for the Visions 2022 performance events. Please describe the work’s mechanics, including equipment, dimensions, props, space requirements, number of performers etc. If possible, a taster clip via video-link is always useful.
entry fee Yes £10 per entry
Contact adresses/URL