Call for entries
Deadline: 11 November 2013
ZERO FUTURE – THE HTMLLES 11 Feminist festival of media arts + digital culture – Call for proposals
Taking place in Montreal, The HTMlles is an international biennial festival that brings together artists, scholars and activists who are passionate about critical engagement with new technologies from a feminist perspective. Based on a specific theme, each edition addresses urgent socio-political questions by pushing the boundaries of artistic and feminist practices.
Now it is seeking submissions that shed light on the perception of “today’s futures†by different generations, including critical and creative propositions inspired by (but not limited to) afrofuturism, chicanafuturism, feminist cyberpunk, utopian and dystopic cyberfeminism or other feminist sf and queer futurity, for instance.
It welcomes project proposals from self-identified women, trans and gender non-conforming artists, curators, activists, collectives, and organizations.
It is a non-profit festival and aims to remain accessible.
Application in detail:
The HTMlles 11 generaldigitalelectronic artfestivalfilm/videoCall for entries Deadline: 11 November 2013 ZERO FUTURE – THE HTMLLES 11 Feminist festival of media arts + digital culture – Call for proposals Taking place in Montreal, The HTMlles is an international biennial festival that brings together artists, scholars and activists who are passionate about critical engagement with new technologies...netty artvideokoeln@gmail.comAdministratornetEX - calls & deadlines