call: Soundart for Memorial Project
Deadline 30 September 2015
Call for proposals
On occasion of the 70th return of the Liberation of the Concentration Camp of Auschwitz, 27 January 2015 (International Holocaust Commemoration Day)
A Virtual Memorial – International Center for Commemorative Intervewntions
SoundLAB – sonic art project environments
are happy to launch a common project online
Collective Trauma, Identity and soundArt
looking for soundart pieces dealing with collective trauma.
A Virtual Memorial Duesseodorf 2015
9 Nov 2015 – 27 Jan 2016
is another physical manifestation of
“Draft Title: Shoah”
featuring Collective Trauma Film Collections
including a symposium and events at different venues
initiated and coordinated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne,
based on the international initiative adressed to young
audio-visual artists to deal with SHOAH and collective trauma
by using new technologies in order to keep vivid the memory of the collective trauma
and humanity by sensitizing the people via art.
The non-visual medium of soundart has a particular potential
to express affection via a wide range of soundtools.
SoundLAB has been an active project environment between 2004 and 2010
featuring each year another edition of soundart online – in total 7 editions –
see also
For the purpose of an extended online project of
“Draft Title: Shoah” –
SoundLAB would like to re-activate its activities
for this important event in Duesseldorf (Germany) exactly one year ahead in 2015.
Soundartists from all over the world are invited
to submit a sound piece dealing with collective trauma.
There is no need to go back 70 years ago, but collective trauma
happens every day before our very eyes in the media
whether via desasters of nature, genocides,
the refugees persecuted and expelled from their home countries
in Africa or Middle East,. collective trauma is currently toucning
everyone’s life more or less dramatically.
So, it is more than worth to express one’s feelings and emotions via
artistic media like soundart.
Diffently, than in previous editions, there is the option available to
perform the submitted soundart piece in physcial space during the event in Duesseldorf.
for sound compositions to be submitted
Soundartists and composers using sonic art for their artistic expression
are invited to submit one single piece of soundart no longer than 10 minutes.
1. Theme: collective trauma & identity
2.. one single piece of soundart may be submitted
3. exclusive soundformat: mp3
4. duration: minimum 3 min, maximum 10 min (longer works possible, but only on request)
5. each submission has to accompanied by an artists statement
about the creation of the sound work, used tools & concepts
6. the artist/author keeps all rights on the submitted soundwork and statement
7. the digital file has to be submitted via wetransfer –
8. the complete entry form including the requested info material
artist bio and statement has to be submitted via email as plain email
9. deadline 30 June 2015
Entry form
full name
short biography/CV (not more than 300 words in English)
title (one work only)
URL for download
statement (no more than 1000 words in English)
Question: Are you able and interested in performing your work in physical space
in the context of the event in Duesseldorf?
– yes
– no
The submitter declares and confirms
that he/she is holding all author’s rights
and gives permission to include the submitted work in “Soundlab†until revoke.
Signed by (submitter)
Please cut and paste this form and send the complete submission,
including artist bio and statement in plain email
subject: Soundlab XP – soundCOLLECTIVE
deadline: 30 September 2015