call: 2nd “EX†Experimental New Media Art Prize
Deadline: 16 January 2016
Call for entries
2nd “EX†Experimental New Media Art Prize
Encouraged by the results achieved with the first edition of EX’s open call, and also by JustMAD’s support, we present the second iteration of the EX’s Prize. This new open call continues to develop and broaden the objectives defined for the inaugural edition. This initiative aims to give New Media Art a more permanent presence in Spanish contemporary art exhibiting platforms.
The first open call for the Experimental New Media Art Prize achieved a remarkable success due to the quantity and quality of the works presented. The impact and visibility were also very important. JUSTMAD6 was visited by almost 20,000 people, and it was covered by 58 printed publications and 104 appearances on digital media.
One of EX’s main goals is to support and promote well-constructed electronic art. That is, an art practice capable of dialoguing with its background, committed to regain its experimental vocation, and determined to develop an independent thinking about the machine. EX focuses on projects dealing with an object that is not fully surrendered to the technology and/or the science behind it. In other words, an object that keeps a healthy distance from which to build its own space for reflection and criticism. The names of the winners of the first EX prize are as follows. Marina Corach, Jorge Luis Vaca Forero, Citlali Hernández y Nicolás Villa, Abelardo G. Fournierand Anaisa Franco. Their work reaffirms our conviction that a different electronic art is possible.
EX also aims to connect the field of the so-called visual arts, with artistic practices that emerge from the field of New Media Art. The association helps electronic artists to deliver an impact on his/her own society, and acquire better knowledge on the conservative world of art collecting.
The words “artâ€, “electronic†and “experimental†draw, even nowadays, an extremely diffuse and paradoxical field where very different realities collide and intersect. This happens when considering different ways of thinking, production of objects and exhibiting forms. At EX we believe in the need to promote coexisting and exchanging spaces such as this initiative. We are convinced that exposure to the other is a necessary form of enrichment and self-questioning.
EX’s prize second edition will award the winner’s proposal with 1,000 €. The second best proposal will be offered a spot at Just Residence 2017. This is a four-week art residency program conceived for artists with gallery representation. Exceptionally JustMAD offers EX’s second-best selected artist the opportunity to access this program free from the fulfillment of that requirement.
The winning works will be exhibited at the New Media section in JUSTMAD, which is part of “Las Tentaciones de JustMADâ€.
• Open to artists or groups regardless of age or nationality
• Each author or group may submit one work as maximum.
• Artists selected in previous Call can’t apply to this one.
• The call will select a maximum of 5 works to be exhibited in JUSTMAD7.
• At the time of presentation, works should be completed or nearing completion.
• The works may already have been exhibited, but will be preferred works unpublished.
• The languages supported in this Call are: Spanish, Catalan, Galician, English and Italian
• Authors must provide everything needed for the exhibition of works.
• The artist, or a person designated by him, will responsible of assembly and disassembly of works.
• During the celebration of the fair, the organization will provide surveillance around 24 hours per day, but not JUSTMAD7 or EX will be responsible for any damage that the works may suffer during the exhibition period.
• The author or a person designated by him must be present for start-up and shutdown of works. If don’t, they must provide simple instructions for this purpose.
• The artist must provide a contact telephone number so that if the work shows any problems during exhibition, can be fixed as soon as possible.
• The documentation for participation in this Call will be sent through the contact form of this website (end of text) and the JUSTMAD7 contact page.
• Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of these rules.
Selection criteria
The call is focused on experimental New Media Art, so the experimental bias, their capacity for aesthetic innovation and the reflection on the means used should be considered.
Schedule and Deadline
• Receipt of projects: from 0:00 (Spanish time) of December 16, 2015, until January 16, 2016 at 24:00 (Spanish time).
• The results are published on the website of EX and JUSTMAD7 January 21, and the winners will be selected and notified by email.
• The mounting of the piece will be performed from Monday 22 February, and dismantling Sunday 28 from 19:00
• The works will be exhibited from February 23 to February 28, 2016 in the New Media section, located in “The Temptation of JUSTMAD†in LASEDE at COAM (Official College of Architects of Madrid), during the celebration of the JUSTMAD7 emerging art fair.
Documentation required (see contact form at the bottom of the page):
Link or download to the work done, or nearing completion, with the necessary documentation for their understanding, preferably video.
• Comment on the work (maximum 600 characters)
• Technical description of the work (maximum 600 characters)
• Technical requirements. Size of the artwork and spatial needings
• Curriculum Vitae (maximum 600 characters)
• Description of artist’s career and interests (600 characters maximum)
The jury will be announced during the course of this call and in any case, shall consist of:
• One member appointed by EX, association of electronic and experimental art.
• One member appointed by JUSTMAD7.
• One member appointed jointly by the two organizations.
For questions about this call:
Write to the contact page of this website, with the theme “doubts about II Call and EX Prize for experimental New Media Art “. & technologycalls: generalnew mediaprizeproposalsDeadline: 16 January 2016 Call for entries 2nd “EX†Experimental New Media Art Prize Encouraged by the results achieved with the first edition of EX’s open call, and also by JustMAD’s support, we present the second iteration of the EX’s Prize. This new open call continues to develop and broaden the objectives...netty artvideokoeln@gmail.comAdministratornetEX - calls & deadlines