Call: ACRE TV – Re/Night/Live/Mare
Deadline: 1 September 2016
Call for entries
Programmed by Joseph Herring and ACRE TV
To see full call go:
RE/NIGHT/LIVE/MARE will re- consider your nightmares; will re- examine your daydreams; will re- contextualize pre-existing (video art? videotaped performance work? found footage?) through re- presenting, re- editing, re -mixing. We are specifically interested in works that re- search, re- consider, re- examine, re- contextualize nightmares, daydreams, flying-fancies, hyper-realities. We are also interested in live re- mixing pre- existing work with new live footage to re- consider it in under the cold, hard, clinical (or soft warm fuzzy *wicked grin ) light of the telematic screen.
Examples of programming for RE/NIGHT/LIVE/MARE could include:
-Canned videos
-Livestreamed performance
-Historical research through image and sound works
-Interviews and conversations
Written proposals due by 11:59pm September 1st, 2016
Some funding may be available for the production of new work. If your project requires funding, please include a budget in your proposal.
We will notify you on the status of your proposal by October 1, 2016
File delivery for accepted proposals due October 15th, 2016
RE/NIGHT/LIVE/MARE will air from November 1st to December 31st, 2016