call: “Different Rhythms†VIII International FKL-Symposium on aspects of the soundscape
Deadline: 30 April 2017
call for entries
“Different Rhythmsâ€
“Different Rhythms†VIII International FKL-Symposium on aspects of the soundscape
FKL [Forum Klanglandschaft] and TiConZero/SIGNAL festival invite you to present theoretical papers and musical works related to the theme of the soundscape for the eighth symposium of Forum Klanglandschaft which will take place at Il Ghetto Centro d’Arte e Cultura, in Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, from September 27 to September 30, 2017.
The conference is organized jointly by the two organizations and offers the opportunity to present papers, musical works, installations and videos.
For FKL’s biannual international meeting next September we invite researchers, musicians, artists, educators, and all other persons active in the field to participate in a theoretical and artistic reflection on the topic of rhythm and its relation to the soundscape.
The soundscape shows an extremely wide variety of rhythms arising from different sound eve nts, fast or slow rhythms, rhythms that accelerate, that remain constant, that are irregular, that slow down, that disappear and come back, superimposed on each other. Even a sound event heard only once may suggest and idea or hypothesis of rhythm as an event that in our life divides a before and an after.
What are the rhythms that characterize our soundscape, that have characterized soundscapes of the past, that may characterize soundscapes of the future? In which ways these rhythms are linked to our lives, our memories, our imagination, our knowledge, our emotions? What are the spaces and actors, the elements involved in the appearance of particular rhythms? What may we understand of the presence of these rhythms, what can they teach us, are we able to discover new ones? Which musics, which images, which architectures, which forms of behavior are influenced by the rhythms of the soundscape? Which kinds of territory, of cities, of natural and built environments let certain rhy thms and durations appear in the soundscape?
The answers to these questions have inevitably to do with the complex relation between acoustic perception and its elaboration in an organized scheme. This complexity and organization bring forth thoughts, a drive for understanding and the rise of new questions directed to us and to our listening.
There will be theoretical sessions for papers of max. 20 minutes. If you want to propose a paper send an abstract (max. 3000 characters) and a brief CV (max. 1500 characters), using the form to be found at:
There will be a stereo system and a video projector available.
Musical works
Send a brief description of the work (max 3000 characters) and a brief CV (max 1500 characters) using the form to be found at:
Furthermore a stereo recording for evaluation has to be sent exclusively in .wav or .aif format (16 bit e 44.1 KHz) in a zip file which has to contain also a copy of the description and the CV to:, via Wetransfer or similar systems.
In the name of the file the name of the composer, preceded by “FKL2017.soundwork†has to appear (
The proposed work should have a max length of 10’, it can be of a purely acousmatic nature or include a small number of live performers who have to be brought along by the composer.
Stereo and quad presentations are possible.
The spaces in which the concerts may be held are indicated on the map.
Sound installations and video
Send a brief description (max 3000 characters), a brief CV (max 1500 characters), using the form to be found at:
Send also a documentation file which should contain photos or drawings of the installation, explain exactly the working of the installation, specify the necessary technical data, space and other requirements.
The documentation file with attachments (films, audio files, etc.) has to be sent exclusively in one zip file to:, via Wetransfer or similar systems.
In the name of the file the name of the composer, preceded by “FKL2017.installation-video†has to appear (FKL2017.
The installations will be hosted in Il Ghetto Centro d’arte e Cultura.
At you can see the pictures of Ghetto Centro d’arte e Cultura and a map with the spaces that, for the moment, are destined to the various initiatives of the symposium.
It is ex tremely difficult to transport materials inside Il Ghetto. Therefore you are asked to indicate AS PRECISELY AS POSSIBLE all the technical, spatial and logistic requirements for the installation and to specify what you will bring along yourself and what should be provided by FKL. A film or a video simulation of the installation would be welcome.
The deadline for the presentation of proposals is April 30, 2017.
The scientific-artistic selection committee will consist of members of FKL and TiConZero and choose the papers, musical works, installations and videos to be presented at the symposium.
The list of the selected works will be published within May 30, 2017
Please be advised that for the presentation of an accepted paper the author must be or become a member of FKL.
Modalities and membership fees can be found at
The organization will not pay for travel, lodging and food expenses. A list of low-price hotels will be published on the website. We will gladly supply letters of confirmation for your applications for financial support.
For infos and details write to:
The Forum Klanglandschaft (FKL) – Soundscape Forum is a no-profit association and aims at bringing together persons from different disciplines who are interested in issues of listening and of a responsible approach to the acoustic environment. FKL was formed following the impulse coming from the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology, created in 1993, and acts as a platform for information and contact on the European level. FKL undertakes and supports activities in the sciences, the arts, and education that contribute to increase sensitivity for the acoustic environment and an open and activ e listening, as well as the initiatives in urban planning aiming at a responsible use of acoustic spaces and times. FKL’s members are engaged in monitoring the acoustic environment, in acoustic design, deal with the soundscape created by the new media, and with artistic activities based on the interaction with environmental sounds and rhythms.
TiConZero/SIGNAL festival
The association TiConZero that has been existing since 1995 as a self-organized structure and has been established legally in 1997, organizes performance, sound installations, research meetings, music and theater workshops on the local, national and international level. The multi-faceted interests of the association are particularly evident in the live shows with their multi-media character which allows to analyze the different expressive means. A priority interest is given to the use of new technical means and digital media, both in our research and in teaching. From 2006 on we have been organizing every year the festival SIGNAL for avant-garde music and related artistic activities, with the financial support of the Assessorato allo Spettacolo e Attività Culturali of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia.
SIGNAL is an international festival that brings together performance, sound art, video and concerts. Historically established and new experiences complement each other, going beyond the conventional genres and crossing vast soundscapes, in order to create new forms.