Deadline: Ongoing
Call for entries

Naked State Art Residency (Canada)

Naked State art residency
International Call
Bare Oaks, Canada

Program Dates: annually in July-August
Submission Deadline: *ongoing submissions until filled

*There is still room for a few more artists to participate in Naked State artist residency. Twelve artists have already been accepted, and we look forward to growing the group. Submissions are juried, and proposals assessed based on adherence to the residency theme and community context. Artists will be notified within a week of their submission.

Naked State is a 10-day residency to create artworks that explore the nude human body in context of nature, culture and art. For the duration of the residency, the artists and residency Facilitator live as *naturists (in the nude) within the naturist community of Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park to create works that explore questions such as: What is nudity? Does stripping away clothing rid us of class, gender, and p ersonal expression?; Do the connections between our bodies and the land change when nude? Is nudity always sexual? What is the role of the nude in historical and contemporary art?; Is an animal with fur naked? Is it possible to be civil in the nude?; Is there a natural state for human being? Residents work individually or collaboratively to create artworks that explore these questions through media of their choice, such as photography, video, installation, drawing, painting, performance art, dance, sound art, media art, etc. Naked State welcomes people in all walks of life into a creative journey of criticality thinking and self-discovery. Indigenous, people with disabilities, people of colour and diverse gender identifications are encouraged to apply.

For details and how to apply visit: generalcalls: ongoingresidenciesDeadline: Ongoing Call for entries Naked State Art Residency (Canada) Naked State art residency International Call Bare Oaks, Canada Program Dates: annually in July-August Submission Deadline: *ongoing submissions until filled *There is still room for a few more artists to participate in Naked State artist residency. Twelve artists have already been accepted, and we look forward to...@ The New Museum of Networked Art