call: PyR Junior – Abstract short Films
Deadline: 5 August 2019
Call for entries
PyR Junior – Abstract short Films
Punto y Raya Festival is proud to announce the return of its younger brother: PyR JUNIOR. In this extension of the world event for Abstract Art in Motion, we feature our usual activities, but the contents are produced BY CHILDREN aged under 13.
The JUNIOR Call for Abstract Short Films – – is currently open! We invite children from all over the the world to explore the beauty and creative possibilities of Form, Colour, Motion and Sound in their purest state. No representation: only Dots & Lines! The festival’s mission is to recapture the spirit of Cinéma Pure and Absolute Film formulated by the European avant-garde in the 1920s, consolidating this unique art form laying at the intersection between Fine Arts and Media.
The deadline is August 5th 2019. Online submissions are free and must be entered by a responsible adult.
If you are a teacher, parent or work with children, we kindly encourage you to carry out activities to produce short films for the event. We have devised a few GUIDELINES for animation, video and photography Workshops for children in case you need some tips. And in our PyRTVJUNIOR platform you will also find dozens of abstract short films created by children for our first edition, as well as other professional works using various techniques.
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