Call: FONLAD 10
Call for entries
Deadline: 28 February 2014
Fonlad festival is seeking for video, photography and web art works to present and schedule several events, from exhibitions to video installations, workshops to residency programs in partnership with several international festivals.
The On Line Festival for Digital Arts on its 10th edition comes under the sign of collaborative networking, intending to exploit the potential of the internet in the dissemination of digital art by online presentations, screenings and video installations in alternative spaces, streaming performances, workshops, residencies etc. In this sense, the 2014 program will consist in activities proposed by network partners, both in Portugal and abroad, activities that may be proposed either by the direction of FONLAD as the festivals / partners. The Festival program have been in constantly change, adapting to the partners with which it has maintained its relationship towards a closer approximation to the artistic community and the general public. The program is primarily divided into two major blocks: the block of artistic experimentation – with artistic residences, workshops, lectures and exhibitions in schools, and the promotion of artist works by the presentation of video art shows, installations in unconventional spaces, exhibitions, conferences, etc., to a growing and more diverse audience.
Works: video, animation, photography, digital painting and web art
Dead line: March 31
Residencies (video art and performance)
Dead line: February 28
More information, program and submissions: generalfestivalfilm/videomedia artnew mediaCall for entries Deadline: 28 February 2014 CALLING FOR APPLICATIONS Fonlad festival is seeking for video, photography and web art works to present and schedule several events, from exhibitions to video installations, workshops to residency programs in partnership with several international festivals. Concept: The On Line Festival for Digital Arts on its 10th edition...netty artvideokoeln@gmail.comAdministratornetEX - calls & deadlines