3 open calls: The W:OW Project
3 open calls
Deadline: 19 December 2017
to be part of „The W:OW Project – We Are One World“ – http://wow.engad.org
1. The W:OW Art Film & Video Festival
looking for new, experimental representation forms in the field of “art & moving images”- topic: We Are One World & its countless interpretations
2. The Refugee Film Collection 3.0
Initiated 2015 on occasion of the big refugee crisis, the film & video collection is looking for new videos dealing with the motives why people start escaping and migrating.
3. animateCologne 5 – 5th Cologne Art & Animation Festival
would like to give the non-commercial, artistic and experimental animation more attention – dealing in the given case with the essential questions of life and human existence on planet Earth.
„The W:OW Project“ – http://wow.engad.org
By artvideoKOELN & The New Museum of Networked Art
http://artvideo.koeln – artvideokoeln (at) gmail.com